I watched "Fahrenheit 9/11" again.
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Shoe-Chucker 2
2014-12-24 04:30:29 UTC
Although the entire civilized world closed ranks with the United States
against the terrorists, the US government squandered this good will by

pretending Saddam Hussein had assisted al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks,
declaring that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction,
invading Iraq under those false pretenses,
making "this government does not torture" into the 21st-century
equivalent of "I did not have sex with that woman",
et cetera ad nauseum,
while attacking the honesty, intelligence, and patriotism of all who
dared question its actions and policies.
Karma ; what a concept!
Shoe-Chucker 2
2014-12-25 04:18:47 UTC
Post by Shoe-Chucker 2
Although the entire civilized world closed ranks with the United States
against the terrorists, the US government squandered this good will by
pretending Saddam Hussein had assisted al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks,
declaring that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction,
invading Iraq under those false pretenses,
making "this government does not torture" into the 21st-century
equivalent of "I did not have sex with that woman",
et cetera ad nauseum,
while attacking the honesty, intelligence, and patriotism of all who
dared question its actions and policies.
and ;
Karma ; what a concept!