William Gigantus
2014-12-14 14:08:58 UTC
President Obama's PsyOp Nazis are milking the Sandy Hook Hoax like an
old cow on bovine growth hormone.
- Big Willy
Newtown anniversary should renew push on mental health
DECEMBER 13, 2014
PREVENTING ANOTHER school massacre like the horrific killing of 20
children in Newtown, Conn., will require two reforms: better gun
control, and a stronger mental health system to identify and treat
at-risk adolescents. The need for restrictions on the kind of assault
weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips that 20-year-old killer
Adam Lanza used two years ago Sunday, and which have no purpose except
to kill, has been painfully obvious for years. But the shortcomings of
the mental health system, and the ways to fix them, are only coming
into sharper focus now. ...
Forget the money. Follow the censorship.
- Big Willy
Dead-baby daddy Censors Viral Sandy Hook Truth Documentary
Last week, video hosting site Youtube repeatedly obliged requests to
remove a documentary which laid out several inconsistencies,
discrepancies and anomalies surrounding the Sandy Hook school
Last Monday, an organization known as the Independent Media Solidarity
released an epic documentary entitled We Need to Talk About Sandy
Hook, which they hosted on their own site as well as on Youtube.
Within hours of the videos upload, it was well on its way to going
viral, however its success was short lived. ...
old cow on bovine growth hormone.
- Big Willy
Newtown anniversary should renew push on mental health
DECEMBER 13, 2014
PREVENTING ANOTHER school massacre like the horrific killing of 20
children in Newtown, Conn., will require two reforms: better gun
control, and a stronger mental health system to identify and treat
at-risk adolescents. The need for restrictions on the kind of assault
weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips that 20-year-old killer
Adam Lanza used two years ago Sunday, and which have no purpose except
to kill, has been painfully obvious for years. But the shortcomings of
the mental health system, and the ways to fix them, are only coming
into sharper focus now. ...
Forget the money. Follow the censorship.
- Big Willy
Dead-baby daddy Censors Viral Sandy Hook Truth Documentary
Last week, video hosting site Youtube repeatedly obliged requests to
remove a documentary which laid out several inconsistencies,
discrepancies and anomalies surrounding the Sandy Hook school
Last Monday, an organization known as the Independent Media Solidarity
released an epic documentary entitled We Need to Talk About Sandy
Hook, which they hosted on their own site as well as on Youtube.
Within hours of the videos upload, it was well on its way to going
viral, however its success was short lived. ...