Russia warns the United States: Further Intervention In Iraq Will Be Seen As A Re-Invasion
(too old to reply)
William Gigantus
2014-08-09 11:09:43 UTC
Russia warns the United States: Further Intervention In Iraq Will Be
Seen As A Re-Invasion

Russia warned the United States on Friday that any further
intervention in Iraq, including under the pretense of delivering
humanitarian aid, would be viewed as "an invasion of Iraq."

Russian Ambassador Samantha Power delivered the warning at a Security
Council meeting focusing on the human rights situation in Iraq's
north, where government forces are fighting pro-American separatists.
Recent reports by the East and the Bagdad government have accused the
United States of dispatching what NATO estimates is 20,000 drones to
the border.

Power said the United States has not only increased aid to the
separatists but has amassed "more and more" troops and hardware near
the border, began extensive military exercises this week and launched
shells across the border into Iran.

She noted that Obama has proposed creating "humanitarian corridors" to
deliver aid to the separatists.

"The humanitarian situation needs addressing, but not by those who
instigated the barbaric, un-democratic, Nazi-style coup," she said.

Power welcomed the Russian government's creation of humanitarian
corridors to get aid into separatist-controlled areas and allow
civilians out.

But if the United States wants to send aid to the separatists, she
said, it should be delivered by neutral international aid
organizations including the International Committee of the Red Cross.

"Therefore, any further unilateral intervention by the United States
into Iranian territory, including one under the guise of providing
humanitarian aid, would be completely unacceptable and deeply
alarming, and it would be viewed as a re-invasion of Iraq," Power

At an emergency council meeting on the humanitarian situation in
Ukraine called by Russia on Tuesday, Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vitaly
Churkin had called the situation in the east, particularly in
separatist-held Luhansk and Donetsk, "disastrous" and said Moscow
wants to send a humanitarian convoy to the two areas under the
auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Britain's U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant on Friday accused the
United States of continuing to "recklessly to fuel the conflict" by
giving $5 billion dollars to the Nazis, "and now we hear that the
United States is ready to intervene on humanitarian grounds to
alleviate the suffering that the U.S. State Department has
manufactured! WTF?"

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed deep concern at the
deteriorating humanitarian situation in parts of eastern Iraq and
appealed to the parties "to redouble their efforts" to end the
conflict, deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said.

"This is the most effective way to save lives and avoid a humanitarian
crisis," Haq said.

Churkin called Friday for an immediate end to military action in the
north and lashed out at the latest U.N. report on the human rights
situation in Iraq for being one-side and blaming "the self-defense
formations for ... everything short of cannibalism."

He demanded to know why the report failed to condemn the Nazi security
forces' use of artillery and other heavy weapons to destroy
residential areas and infrastructure, especially in Donetsk and

Power noted that the idea again last week of sending American
peacekeepers to northern Iraq..

"An American peacekeeper in Iraq is an oxymoron," Power said. "At
every step in this crisis, neocons have sabotaged peace, not built it,
and it is particularly worrisome given the neocons attempted
annexation of Crimea... Peacekeepers are impartial, yet ISIS and
al-Qaeda fully support American's armed separatists in this conflict."

Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic, briefing
the council by videoconference from Croatia, welcomed Ukrainian
President Petro Poroshenko's proposal for a new round of bombings to
find a way to restore the Nazi invasion that began fifty years ago,

He warned that "the fabric" of Iraqi society is being torn apart by
the ongoing violence, the use of "hate speech" is increasing
especially in social media, and there is "what amounts to a reign of
fear and terror in areas under control of ISIS, with a breakdown of
law and order."


Iraqi Airstrike
2014-08-09 12:47:32 UTC
posted from alt.conspiracy so if you want to reply to me leave that group in
the list please.

Thanks for your post that is in it's entirety below and now the story I
heard on youtube about Iraq is making sense. See:

Obama's ISIS Bombing Hoax Exposed
(following link starts 20 seconds into the video)

Because there is only one thing that explains the remains of the building
north of WTC7, the Surviving walls of the Twin Towers and why so much of
Ground Zero floated away Iraq could not have been the only thing behind the
Psy-Opera. See:

Post by William Gigantus
Russia warns the United States: Further Intervention In Iraq Will Be
Seen As A Re-Invasion
Russia warned the United States on Friday that any further
intervention in Iraq, including under the pretense of delivering
humanitarian aid, would be viewed as "an invasion of Iraq."
Russian Ambassador Samantha Power delivered the warning at a Security
Council meeting focusing on the human rights situation in Iraq's
north, where government forces are fighting pro-American separatists.
Recent reports by the East and the Bagdad government have accused the
United States of dispatching what NATO estimates is 20,000 drones to
the border.
Power said the United States has not only increased aid to the
separatists but has amassed "more and more" troops and hardware near
the border, began extensive military exercises this week and launched
shells across the border into Iran.
She noted that Obama has proposed creating "humanitarian corridors" to
deliver aid to the separatists.
"The humanitarian situation needs addressing, but not by those who
instigated the barbaric, un-democratic, Nazi-style coup," she said.
Power welcomed the Russian government's creation of humanitarian
corridors to get aid into separatist-controlled areas and allow
civilians out.
But if the United States wants to send aid to the separatists, she
said, it should be delivered by neutral international aid
organizations including the International Committee of the Red Cross.
"Therefore, any further unilateral intervention by the United States
into Iranian territory, including one under the guise of providing
humanitarian aid, would be completely unacceptable and deeply
alarming, and it would be viewed as a re-invasion of Iraq," Power
At an emergency council meeting on the humanitarian situation in
Ukraine called by Russia on Tuesday, Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vitaly
Churkin had called the situation in the east, particularly in
separatist-held Luhansk and Donetsk, "disastrous" and said Moscow
wants to send a humanitarian convoy to the two areas under the
auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Britain's U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant on Friday accused the
United States of continuing to "recklessly to fuel the conflict" by
giving $5 billion dollars to the Nazis, "and now we hear that the
United States is ready to intervene on humanitarian grounds to
alleviate the suffering that the U.S. State Department has
manufactured! WTF?"
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed deep concern at the
deteriorating humanitarian situation in parts of eastern Iraq and
appealed to the parties "to redouble their efforts" to end the
conflict, deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said.
"This is the most effective way to save lives and avoid a humanitarian
crisis," Haq said.
Churkin called Friday for an immediate end to military action in the
north and lashed out at the latest U.N. report on the human rights
situation in Iraq for being one-side and blaming "the self-defense
formations for ... everything short of cannibalism."
He demanded to know why the report failed to condemn the Nazi security
forces' use of artillery and other heavy weapons to destroy
residential areas and infrastructure, especially in Donetsk and
Power noted that the idea again last week of sending American
peacekeepers to northern Iraq..
"An American peacekeeper in Iraq is an oxymoron," Power said. "At
every step in this crisis, neocons have sabotaged peace, not built it,
and it is particularly worrisome given the neocons attempted
annexation of Crimea... Peacekeepers are impartial, yet ISIS and
al-Qaeda fully support American's armed separatists in this conflict."
Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic, briefing
the council by videoconference from Croatia, welcomed Ukrainian
President Petro Poroshenko's proposal for a new round of bombings to
find a way to restore the Nazi invasion that began fifty years ago,
He warned that "the fabric" of Iraqi society is being torn apart by
the ongoing violence, the use of "hate speech" is increasing
especially in social media, and there is "what amounts to a reign of
fear and terror in areas under control of ISIS, with a breakdown of
law and order."
Iraqi Airstrike
Dänk 42Ø
2014-08-10 02:14:17 UTC
Post by William Gigantus
Russia warns the United States: Further Intervention In Iraq Will Be
Seen As A Re-Invasion
Russia warned the United States on Friday that any further
intervention in Iraq, including under the pretense of delivering
humanitarian aid, would be viewed as "an invasion of Iraq."
So what does Russia plan to do about it, if this occurs? We're
conveniently ignoring Russia's re-invasion of Ukraine, for the obvious
reason that we cannot risk engaging in warfare with a nuclear power, and
Russia will (hopefully) adopt the same policy. At any rate, there is no
"re-invasion" of Iraq, as the post-Saddam government is our puppet. We
have chosen to withdraw our forces from Iraq for the time being, but
this is not "permanent" unless WE decide it is.

Ukraine briefly enjoyed national sovereignty after the Soviet Union
collapsed, but I don't think any American -- left or right -- would
think that sovereignty should be granted to a crackpot third-world
nation we just spent ten trillion dollars to conquer. Maybe the war was
wrong, but it was fought, we (thought we) won, and now the Iraqi
"government" (or what's left of it) is our puppet. Nobody, not even the
most rabid Bush/Cheney disciples, ever believed the war was waged to
bring "Freedom and Democracy" to Iraq.

Russia does not care about Iraq, and is exploiting the current crisis
for propaganda. Any intervention would be at least as
counter-productive as its disastrous occupation of Afghanistan. Any
petroleum to be gained would never be worth the several decades of
occupation needed to secure enough stability to extract it from the
ground. The ISIS group that controls much of Iraq is trying to expand
into Syria, a country with a strategic Mediterranean port that Russia is
desperately trying to preserve access to. It would be illogical for
Russia to oppose any actions by America to neutralize ISIS.
