William Gigantus
2015-12-07 18:22:46 UTC
I would gladly and proudly go to South Carolina's electric chair for
laying to waste Carlee Soto and her ilk.
I would make sure there is a lot of blood, guts, hair, teeth, eyeballs
and DEAD JEWISH BODIES around so people can see what a "real" massacre
looks like.
They are coming for you: Sandy Hook truthers escalate threats by
posting home address of victims sister
05 DEC 2015 AT 22:16 ET
Conspiracy theorists who believe the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012 was a
hoax are threatening the sister of one of the victims to the point the
woman and her husband are afraid to go home on Saturday.
Truthers accusing Carlee Soto, the sister of slain teacher Vicki Soto,
of being a crisis actor have been posting her name, birth date and
address on Instagram. Crisis actor is a term used by conspiracy
theorists who believe the massacre at the elementary school was staged
by the government as pretense for taking away guns. Twenty small
children and six school staffers were killed in the attack. Vicki Soto
died heroically, shielding her students.
Family members of Vicki Soto have been harassed since the massacre,
but told Raw Story its never gone to the extent of having addresses
posted online.
Instagram users are sharing a post that reveals contact and family
information, including names of Sotos mother, siblings and husband,
and their social media user names.
The Dox Of All Doxes! the post reads. The whole world is wondering
about this girl who pops up on every major attack around the world.
She has been on every media around the world crying her eyes. She have
raised too many question amongst everyone. It was time to finally put
an end to it and reveal everything about her. I want her to remember
my name for the rest of her life. She have been Exposed. Make this
It then shows Carlee Sotos home address, and says Enjoy family.
Truthers believe Carlee Soto has performed crisis acting at other
Family operating the support page for Vicki Soto said they have tried
reaching out to the police and Instagram for help. As of Saturday
evening, the post is still being shared by numerous Instagram
Sotos husband Brent Parisi also received an unnerving message,
according to the Soto family.
They are coming after you Brent Parisi, it reads. The truth is out.
They know who you and your wife are. They know where you live. You
think you wont be questioned for the actions you do? God watches
The family is particularly nervous as the December 14 anniversary of
the shooting spree approaches.
This is very scary to our family and as 12/14 approaches we are even
more scared that this will escalate into physical violence, the
family wrote. We have been through enough and each day is harder than
the one before. This just makes it all very stressful for us during an
already difficult time.
A heartbreaking photograph of Carlee Soto sobbing upon learning the
news of her sisters death has been used by conspiracy theorists to
prove she is a crisis actor.
The family has been harassed to the extent that they applied to
trademark Vickis name to stop people from using it online for
harassment and other nefarious purposes.
Survivors and loved ones of the Sandy Hook shooting have long been
victims of harassment. Scarlett Lewis, whose first grade child was
killed in the massacre, was harassed online after writing a book about
her journey through grief.
Last month, Matthew Mills of Brooklyn was arrested for confronting
Sotos younger sister, Jill, at a charity event for Vicki Soto with
his conspiracy theories.
The family posted screenshots of the threats and harassment to their
support page, which can be viewed here:
"A conspiracy theorist is a person that questions the statements of
known liars." - MHB
laying to waste Carlee Soto and her ilk.
I would make sure there is a lot of blood, guts, hair, teeth, eyeballs
and DEAD JEWISH BODIES around so people can see what a "real" massacre
looks like.
They are coming for you: Sandy Hook truthers escalate threats by
posting home address of victims sister
05 DEC 2015 AT 22:16 ET
Conspiracy theorists who believe the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012 was a
hoax are threatening the sister of one of the victims to the point the
woman and her husband are afraid to go home on Saturday.
Truthers accusing Carlee Soto, the sister of slain teacher Vicki Soto,
of being a crisis actor have been posting her name, birth date and
address on Instagram. Crisis actor is a term used by conspiracy
theorists who believe the massacre at the elementary school was staged
by the government as pretense for taking away guns. Twenty small
children and six school staffers were killed in the attack. Vicki Soto
died heroically, shielding her students.
Family members of Vicki Soto have been harassed since the massacre,
but told Raw Story its never gone to the extent of having addresses
posted online.
Instagram users are sharing a post that reveals contact and family
information, including names of Sotos mother, siblings and husband,
and their social media user names.
The Dox Of All Doxes! the post reads. The whole world is wondering
about this girl who pops up on every major attack around the world.
She has been on every media around the world crying her eyes. She have
raised too many question amongst everyone. It was time to finally put
an end to it and reveal everything about her. I want her to remember
my name for the rest of her life. She have been Exposed. Make this
It then shows Carlee Sotos home address, and says Enjoy family.
Truthers believe Carlee Soto has performed crisis acting at other
Family operating the support page for Vicki Soto said they have tried
reaching out to the police and Instagram for help. As of Saturday
evening, the post is still being shared by numerous Instagram
Sotos husband Brent Parisi also received an unnerving message,
according to the Soto family.
They are coming after you Brent Parisi, it reads. The truth is out.
They know who you and your wife are. They know where you live. You
think you wont be questioned for the actions you do? God watches
The family is particularly nervous as the December 14 anniversary of
the shooting spree approaches.
This is very scary to our family and as 12/14 approaches we are even
more scared that this will escalate into physical violence, the
family wrote. We have been through enough and each day is harder than
the one before. This just makes it all very stressful for us during an
already difficult time.
A heartbreaking photograph of Carlee Soto sobbing upon learning the
news of her sisters death has been used by conspiracy theorists to
prove she is a crisis actor.
The family has been harassed to the extent that they applied to
trademark Vickis name to stop people from using it online for
harassment and other nefarious purposes.
Survivors and loved ones of the Sandy Hook shooting have long been
victims of harassment. Scarlett Lewis, whose first grade child was
killed in the massacre, was harassed online after writing a book about
her journey through grief.
Last month, Matthew Mills of Brooklyn was arrested for confronting
Sotos younger sister, Jill, at a charity event for Vicki Soto with
his conspiracy theories.
The family posted screenshots of the threats and harassment to their
support page, which can be viewed here:
"A conspiracy theorist is a person that questions the statements of
known liars." - MHB